We are Electromagnetism

Fish swim in water.   We swim in electromagnetism.

We experience the gravitation field, we manipulate the quantum field, we ponder about a field of consciousness, but we live in the electromagnetic field.  Electromagnetism is light, it is energy, it is charge, it is magnetism, it is electricity.  And electromagnetism is chemistry – the dynamically ordered and structured flow of electrons between atoms.   And as life is ordered . . . structured . . . dynamic . . . self-organizing . . . self-reproducing . . . and sub-critically stable . .  chemical complexity, and so life, too, is electromagnetism.

Electromagnetism is how our nerves conduct signals by firing across electric charge gradients, across axon membranes. Our brains, our hearts, our muscles, our thoughts, our emotions, our vision – all fire electromagnetically.  Seizures and cardiac sudden death are discharges of electromagnetism.  Our moods and state of consciousness flow with electromagnetic, EEG brain waves.

Electromagnetism is a wave, but we don’t really know what is waving.  It is a wave that wave’s itself, like an undulating rope, electric charge swinging magnetism and magnetism swinging electric charge.  It can travel in a vacuum.  It binds protons with electrons into atoms, creating the matter, the ‘stuff’ of our existence.  It streams as packets of energy – photons – creating information, communication and computers.

The shimmering of gold itself is electromagnetism, the shared electrons of the atoms of its metallic structure,  all traveling between the atoms at the speed of light.

Electromagnetism is the one and only invariant reality of our universe, the one non-relative entity of unchanging dimension to all observers.  Nothing can travel faster than electromagnetism, and it has no mass, and does not exist at rest.  Because of this invariant fact of its finite velocity, and its stable dimension, we have a world of knowable space, time and causality.

We can actually see a tiny photon – a subatomic entity – with our naked eyes, testament to its central role in our being.

People can perceive flashes of light as feeble as a single photon“.  Nature Communications 7, 12172, 2016

It was all photons. . . in the beginning.

“The early universe contained both matter and anti-matter and these two forms of matter annihilated each other into photons when they were brought together.  There was slightly more matter than antimatter in the early universe; without this asymmetry, the universe would be pure energy-no stars, no planets, and certainly no life.” 

The world was without form, and God said let there be light.

Electromagnetic Light is our most universally recognized God – by the Inca in Peru, the Egyptians on the Nile, the Aztecs in Mexico, and the Judeo-Christians in the eastern Mediterranean.

We are fish in the electromagnetic sea.


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